Saturday, April 14, 2012

What's for lunch?

Martha loves it when I just decide to make something for her, rather than making her figure out what she wants. Here's what we had for lunch yesterday:

Crescent roll sandwiches
Olives and Pickles
Salsa for "dunking"
Chai tea latte

Tip: Purchase whole food crescent roll dough without hydrogenated oil or MSG

Unroll crescent roll dough and separate into triangles. Arrange triangles so they will fit together when one is placed atop the other.

Cut real cheese squares into triangles and place on on half of the dough triangles
Cut non nitrate and nitrite-containing lunch meat into triangles, or gather gently to fit on top of the cheese. I usually just wad up some thinly sliced meat and stuff it on there!
Place the second triangle on the first, stretching a little as needed to form a border you can pinch together well. Place on ungreased baking sheet and bake iin pre-warmed oven at temperature and for time indicated on package, but check often and turn over once or twice during baking. 

Serve with a small dish of salsa for dipping, or with tomato soup. For those with limited use of hands, cutting the sandwich at least in half is helpful.

Accompany with raw vegetables, olives, pickles, or whatever you enjoy. And then - enjoy! 

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