Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I'm a Care Giver. That means I give care. I assist with daily activities that aren't so easy anymore. I monitor for changes in appetite, mental activity, and physical ability. I prepare meals, and do light housework as needed.

Or.... I get to be a housekeeper. Here's the note I found today. I started to be a little grouchy, but I figured that soon enough my true caregiving skills will be needed and they'll have to find someone else to do the "Please Do" list.
I'm not too proud to work - that's not the point. But, wow. This is a "venting" blog, and the real story will be next.


  1. Wow! That's asking a bit too much in my opinion!

    1. It's pretty crazy! But there is simply no way I'll attempt to clean the fridge more than once every couple of months, and in the other areas I use my judgement. I've settled on a pretty swift routine on Tuesdays that covers most of this list, and I iron on Fridays.


Thank you for commenting or asking questions here. I will reply to all who request more information.