Sunday, March 16, 2014

What do you say to an accusing senior?

Question: My mother who has dementia is accusing me of stealing her pills (which i'm not). What do I do?  My mother has been progressively getting worse, and she has been accusing me of stealing her pills. I've already tried to tell her she's taken them, or sometimes she drops them. I don't know what to do, and I don't know how to convince her I'm not taking them.    B   

My Answer:
Validation.  Say -"You believe I've taken your pills." This, alone, may break the cycle in her mind. "I understand that you believe this. It looks like that's making you upset." I find that a firm touch, such as holding her hand or wrist, and looking directly into her eyes, helps this communication. "I'm sorry that you believe I have taken your pills. I know this is upsetting. This is hard, Mom. This is very hard." Then to direct her to something else like tea, or a walk, or something she enjoys, would be my next step. I really think that the validation - re-stating what they have said to show you understand - goes a long way. Unfortunately it is so much like reasoning with an 18 month old. But even THEY feel better when you clearly understand what they're trying to communicate. You think I took your pills, and you're mad!!! Try this one other thing that's worked for me with Dementia clients. "Mom, your doctor ordered me to keep these pills in a very safe place, and make sure you took the right ones at the right time. I am following your doctor's advice, you can be sure of that!" Older patients are such doctor followers. They seem to really respond to the "The doctor said" trick a LOT. I even use it with my reluctant walker. "Your doctor said you should walk every day...." and off we go.

As we watch the older generation deteriorate into a daily pill organizer, we sometimes start to think about our own future. Will be take a "pill for every ill", or will we stay healthy and vibrant for as long as possible?

If you're concerned about your health, and want to secure a healthier future, please consider feeding every cell in your body what it is craving, while clearing out the junk. I'm here to help! Watch the short video here, and see if this is something you'd like to know more about.